Wednesday, 5 October 2016

As we can see the title of the blog says, Oil spills and fish kills in the Gulf of Paria. So tonight we are going to do some Geography. Gulf of Paria, an inlet of the Caribbean Sea, lying between Veneuela coast and Trinidad. Extending about 100 miles (160 km) east - west and 40 miles (65 km) north - south. It is linked with the Caribbean to the north by the strait called the Dragon's Mouths and with the Atlantic to the south by the Serpent's Mouth both roughly 10 miles (16 km) wide. Ports along the gulf including San Fernando and Port of Spain (Trinidad) Güiria, Irapa, and Pedernales(Venezuela) handle shipments of petroleum, iron ore, bauxite, lumber and agricultural products. Here is a map showing the the Gulf of Paria and its connection between Trinidad and Venezuela. Next post we will be speaking about the oil companies drilling for oil in the Gulf of Paria

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